Enhance Your Workspace With Bespoke Floor Protection Mats From Rocliff

As well as workwear rental and cleaning services, Rocliff provides additional services, including floor protection mats for workspaces. Tailored mat solutions offer a range of advantages to businesses and workspaces, from powerful branding opportunities to enhanced safety. Rocliff supplies a variety of mat types and styles to suit your needs. We adhere to specific size requirements, shapes, colours, and branding elements, all to ensure the mat integrates seamlessly with the aesthetic and functional needs of the business.

From anti-fatigue mats to floor protection mats, we have a wide variety to your requirements. To maintain the presentation of our mats, we exchange each dust mat once per week.

Find out more about our mat capabilities and determine the optimal service for your workspace.


Dust Control Mats

Dust Control Mats are the most commonly used in workplaces, minimising dust levels and providing floor protection both inside and outside of buildings where there are large amounts of footfall.


Logo Mats

Rocliff’s customised logo mats offer powerful branding opportunities as well as improve safety measures and longevity of the flooring. Much like our dust control mats, our custom floor mats with logo designs are jet printed, meaning we can include any logo or design to suit your branding needs. Create a lasting impression on clients with an increased level of professionalism in your workspace.


Anti Fatigue Mats For Standing Workstations

Composed of anti-slip rubber, this type of mat is ideal for workstations where the workforce may be spending long periods standing still in one area. Anti-fatigue mats add cushioning and support for the workforce, reducing foot ache from long periods of standing, as well as providing floor protection in the area being used.


Safety Message Mats

Much like protective workwear such as high-visibility or flame-retardant clothing, mats can offer a similar level of protection to both employees and clients, offering clear safety signalling. Safety message mats help to create awareness and maintain health and safety guidelines within the workplace or public areas. Improving the overall health and safety measures, enhancing messages and procedures.

No matter the needs of your workplace, Rocliff offers bespoke solutions that adhere to your needs. Contact us today to discuss mat solutions for your workspace or find out more about our bespoke mat options here.